The avengers / by maureen maniquis

Most of my life I have thought of prayer as a petition that is answered with either a “yes”, “no” or “not now” outcome. But lately, I have been more inclined to see it as a process. Certainly some prayers are answered with an immediate response such as, “please protect me on the road today?“ Or “please let these test results come out OK?“. But there are those ongoing heart-deep prayers we pray for others that appear to evaporate as they leave our lips. How many years have you prayed for someone only to see no change or affect on the horizon, no dawning of a heart awakened to a fresh new understanding of the Voice who spoke them into being? Or perhaps they’ve heard that Voice but allow the other competing voices of the snake charmers to drown out the still and gentle eternal one. These hard fought prayers of love are not being ignored. They are not being evaporated as they are whispered. But rather, they are already in the process of becoming answered. The action has been set in motion from the first whispered words of your heart.

In the book of Daniel chapters 9-10 he is praying to God with a heavy-burdened heart for his people. He is interceding on their behalf out of love for them and sadness for their lack of reverence and love for God. An angel appears to him and tells him, “Daniel, I have come here to give you insight and understanding. The moment you began praying, the command was given…” The angel goes on to explain the way in which his prayer will be answered. Then a bit later he has another similar experience with an angel of God as he is praying once again and the angel says this, “Daniel, you are very precious to God, so listen carefully to what I have to say to you… For I have been sent to you… Then he said, “don’t be afraid Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble your self before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.” He goes on to tell him that he was delayed because he had to battle the evil spirits that were attempting to thwart the prayers.The battle continues to rage on and he left other angels there fighting while he came to encourage Daniel in his angst. Again he told him how precious he was to God and that he wanted him to have peace and be encouraged and strengthened in the knowledge that God was at work answering his prayers.

There are unseen forces in invisible dimensions that are loyal avengers to the King of glory and his children. They are our allies, protectors and warriors for our faith. But they are at war with a fierce opponent whose time is limited in which to steal and destroy. Our prayers have not gone unanswered but rather they are the power that energizes our angelic avengers. Our prayers fan the cleansing flames as they fight for the ones we love. You are precious to God. The cries of your heart are precious to God. Be encouraged. Be strong. Battles are being won and your answers are coming around the corner.

“Regarding the angels he says, “he sends his angels like the winds, his servants like the flames of fire… Therefore, angels are servants — spirits sent to care for the people who will inherit salvation.”
Hebrews 17:14 NLT