Vessels of glory / by maureen maniquis

I woke this morning to the rhythmic melody of songbirds. At first I resisted this intrusion into my most cherished time of sleep, fighting the awakening of my senses. It’s still dark and why must they wake so early? But, there was just something compelling about their need to express themselves so emphatically. It was as though they wanted to tell the world some important news. What are they saying in their beautiful language of song? Do they have some knowledge that cannot help but pour forth at the break of a new day? Perhaps it is the simplicity of their lives that gives them the ability to start afresh each morning with the recognition of the beauty that surrounds them. They have slept in peace beneath the stars, perched among the trees under the watchful eye of the Father of heavenly lights. They herald the dawn and their eyes catch the first trace of pink as the sun begins its journey across the day’s sky. They welcome in this new day with expectation and joy in a simple understanding of the rhythms of life‘s design. They seem to know instinctively what John Calvin wrote about, “there is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.“

It’s easy to miss the simple glory truth. We wake to violent headlines of evil intrusions, darkness that is trying to overtake the light before it even cracks the horizon. Wicked thieves spent on stealing our joy and peace are on the move pounding their path of destruction.

But there is much to be learned from the song birds of the morning. Their sleep is sweet and their joy is new each day. They were created to know their place and they live joyfully within those boundaries. They are vessels of glory singing out the praises of the One who taught them to sing. And this whole world is filled with glory vessels from one end to the other. All of creation sings its own unique melody to the glory of the Creator. Each bears its own voice of beauty. Some display such majesty that a heart is brought to tears without a sound being uttered. Can the eye behold the sunset or the fullness of the moon or the tender beginnings of a child crowning into existence and take its first breath, without a sense of awe, without seeing glory? Each one of us is meant to be vessels of glory, the crowning jewels of creation made in the image of God himself.

Yes, it’s true, the shroud of darkness threatens this world daily but its scope is limited and it’s boundaries are certain. If we each do as we were meant to — how bright would we shine? How much beauty would fill the earth?

The word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” John1:4-5